In the typical, generalized aspect of Astrology, people often get asked, “What’s your Sun Sign… or where is your Moon?” And even though these are important layers to your Cosmic Blueprint, there’s one factor of Astrology that’s more important than anything else.. and that is YOU ARE ALL 12 ZODIAC SIGNS. How so?
In the graphic above are the 12 houses of Astrology, numbered, which is a chart you will find personally when you look up your specific birth chart. Just because your Sun or Moon or even Mars is placed in a certain house thorough a certain Zodiac sign doesn’t mean these will take priority of your life. NO. Astrology and the 12 houses are in fact your EYES — your birth chart being one eye and the chart of the ‘Now’ moment making up the other… which constantly moves to create this reality. StarGate above, StarGazer below. Because you are the makeup of all 12 houses, one can look to even the houses that contain no celestials and still see deep meaning.
For example, if your Sun is in Gemini, where is your Mercury placed? What Zodiac sign occupies the 3rd house of Gemini’s rule? What celestials are there impacting it’s expressions? Another example would be your Neptune. Neptune/Jupiter rules the 12th house of Pisces. So, is your Neptune/Jupiter in the 12th house, or are they influencing another house(s) which is ruled by another Zodiac sign? And just what is inside your 12th house? Remember that even if it’s not occupied, you will still have the Zodiac and Nakshatras to influence you throughout your journey in life.
The last thing to mention here is the contrast of Vedic Sidereal Astrology and Tropical Astrology. BOTH systems will have their say in how you show up in life, and many of you will be a double Sun Sign, Rising Sign, Moon Sign, etc. The advancement of about 23 – 24 degrees through Tropical Astrology makes that true.
Vedic Sidereal is your Foundation / Root, and Tropical is your Future / Crown. Some of you may resonate more with one system then the other… but BOTH will address what it means to be YOU and will define your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on all 12 Zodiac signs and you being the makeup of all 12 rather than just one or two areas like Celestial placements or Ascendant or Midheaven.
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Have you ever had a new boss before after the old one left? Would this new boss be anything like the old one?
What I’d like to present to you today is a scenario of this exact scene, yet it will be based upon the premise of Astrology, the Supernatural and what most people refer to as ‘God’.
Most people today can see and feel a certain ‘shift’ coming in to this reality — whether that’s waking up to the fact that Illusions are becoming more and more apparent which you now have the eyes to see they are indeed illusions. We are seeing Empires changing and crumbling, we are seeing and feeling massive change all around us. From Nature’s change to People changing, certainly it seems there’s something ‘new’ coming in.
Because the most popular spell book in the world is The Holy Bible, I’m going to use this as something worthy of pondering deeper into on your own time. But first, allow me to paint the picture so that you have something to go off of.
In the OLD Testament in the pages of the book of Daniel, it talks about a dream interpreted by Daniel for the King at the time. It essentially talked about 6 kingdoms — 5 of them were described through the lens of Alchemy — Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron and Iron/Clay. The 6th Kingdom would be established over all the other 5, removing all remnants of these 5 with a ‘stone’.
Now I’ve already presented a full Decode on this topic if you wish to see it explained further in detail here:
What I’m going to be sharing from here on out is updated information that the Supernatural has provided me, it will be an extension beyond that Decode above.
I believe the 5 Kingdoms are referencing Astrology — which would be the following:
Gold = Cancer
Silver = Gemini
Bronze = Taurus
Iron = Aries
Iron & Clay = Pisces
NEW KINGDOM = Aquarius
Since each age has a planetary ruler, the Age of Aquarius will be ruled over by the planet URANUS. This will be the New Boss. This Boss’s identity through Uranus will be nothing like the last Boss — which was the ruler of Pisces, Neptune (and Jupiter). The Age of Pisces saw an influx of Religions — which has totals now in over ten thousand. Quite a variety to choose from.. with most people believing ‘theirs’ is the ‘right’ one.
The book of Daniel talks about 2 kingdoms coming together which will not blend all that well — this is the Iron Age of Aries, ruled over by MARS and the Iron and Clay age of NEPTUNE and JUPITER.
It’s very clear that during the Age of Aries, WAR was dominant — countries were using the Mars energy to wield their way through Life.. and this is when the Torah and Judaism came on the Scene. This is why you would see the blowing of the Shofar — the Ram’s horn. The Age of Aries was defined throughout the OLD Testament — clearly a lot of killing and sacrifice went on. Furthermore, as mentioned, during this Age, Countries tried to dominate each other with Force — WAR energy. All MARS. But then the Age changed into Pisces, and on comes the Scene is the character IESOUS — and we now have the invention of the ‘Son’ of God by way of the Greeks and the NEW Testament. During this time, it was more about Peace and Harmony.. love and establishing more of the ‘Spirit’ within you — leaving behind the Egoic measures of Mars. This OLD and NEW Testaments provided the Yin Yang — the Fear and Love energy to its fullest extremes. It was Aries and Mars with the Chaos, and Pisces with Jupiter and Neptune with the Order. Yet this is where we now have the setup for the New Boss, the New Kingdom getting ready to be established. The Age of Aquarius and its Boss, Uranus.
The 2 kingdoms of Aries and Pisces are the Iron and Clay that won’t mix together all that well.. which means fighting about whose got it ‘right’ is the very reason why wars and low frequency energy exists today. The 2 kingdoms are the Old and New Testaments — mainly Judaism and ALL other religions created in the Piscean Age — these religions do not work or mix together… which is why the New Kingdom of Uranus will be the ‘Stone’ that will smash all other kingdoms before it. Even the Christ stated in Luke 22:10 to follow him into a house (Astrology house) with a man bearing a pitcher of Water (Aquarius).
Ladies and Gentlemen, a new kingdom is headed our way — and I can assure you it will look and feel nothing like the Age of Pisces. The Age of Aquarius is all about ‘I KNOW THYSELF’ — which is why there’s a surge in the Esoteric, Astrology, Numerology, etc… there is a surge in people seeing how important they are in this reality. Uranus doesn’t play by the ‘other’ rules of Ages before it — and we can even go on to say that Uranus is the Grandaddy of them all — the O.G. of the Zodiac. Uranus is an eccentric energy, one that’s Electric and rules technology. This is where we are seeing great leaps into our advancement of technologies in all areas of life. This technological Age of Aquarius is ruled by AIR — and this is why we can communicate by way of video conferencing and the Internet — the Air waves will provide a massive stream of communication for all to use with the benefits of creating a more advanced society. As we move towards a more digital age, we will rely more on Quantum computers — another area that Uranus rules over.
So in conclusion here, I’d like to offer you, the reader, some ideas to ponder as we continue moving forward into the Unknown. We can clearly start to see a bigger, clearer picture with the lens of Astrology, but we can also use logic with discernment here to see that one Empire, being the Age of Pisces is being ripped apart. Finally, in the book of Revelation, it says that there will be a new heaven and new earth, and the ‘Sea’ will be no more. Well, Pisces has the 2 fish as its ‘mascot’… and fish live in the Sea. This might just be indicating that the Age of Pisces (the Sea) will be no more because there’s a new boss in town whose ready to rule — the might Uranus. I would also include here that since the Vatican is called the Holy SEE — and they wear the fish hats, this too is a big indicator that the Church will be completely done away with. Religion will no longer be needed in the Aquarian Age.
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“IN WINE WE TRUST…” said God.
I shall hope that you’re here reading this because of following this great research of Decoding our Reality.
Much can be said about taking layers of our reality and using the Esoteric / Occult to decipher it all down to see a narrative worthy of taking a look at. Numerology and Alchemy are two layers worthy of that aspect.
What you’re looking at above is the infamous ‘I AM’ spelled out with the elements of the periodic table. As you observe the Periodic Table more and more, you will see that a multitude of words can be spelled out in Languages. These elements not only spell out big ‘marker’ words, but they make up a big portion of our reality because a big portion that makes US up as living organisms contain a large variety of these elements. Theology can also be brought in here because of the ‘I AM’ being used in Judaism and the signal words for the Divine. What about our reality and our lives? How often do WE say ‘I AM’ this, or ‘I AM’ that? This ‘I AM’ is a very dominant piece of any Language spoken in today’s world.. and it’s not just in English — it’s in ALL Languages.
You will notice that when we add up the Atomic Masses of these two Element, Iodine and Americium, we will have a result of what Nikola Tesla deemed as the ‘Keys to the Universe.’ The numbers 3,6 and 9. How could this be? Well, it is of the opinion of this author that this is part of the ‘Source Code’ playing out through our reality, providing us clues.
Just a few days ago here in Mexico, the Wine had a massive ‘sale’ — and personally I was at a huge point in my research career of defining this ‘I AM’ in multiple areas of my life and the things I have been Decoding. So when I saw this sale, the idea that came to my mind was to locate 2 wines that matched the Atomic Masses of the ‘I AM’ — 126 and 243… and as fate would have it, there they were.
The 2 wines discovered on my mission of locating the 126 and 243 were found attached to this 2 wines — both Mexican based — I’ve circled the price points of these 2 wines in RED over their Green Sale Tags. I decided to place the wine names into Chaldean Numerology (the oldest Numerology in the world) and the outcome was very telling… it ended in the 116. This number was a BIG clue because my current research of Decoding is utilizing the 1.61 Golden Ratio String to make more sense of what the Divine is all about in our reality called Life. If you’re new to numbers, please note that a sequence of numbers match those numbers no matter what placements they’re in… this is called a ‘Permutation’ of numbers… otherwise known as an ‘Anagram’ of Numbers. In this example, the 116 is also matching the 1.61 of the Golden Ratio.
Next we want to take the Numerology output and match it to an Element on the Periodic Table — to provide a deeper innerstanding of what this message means. The 50th Element, Tin, has that 116 Atomic Mass for one of its Isotopes. And just like that, we know have an extension of the Golden Ratio’s 1.61 and the Numerology output of 116 tied to this 50th Element of Tin.
Tin is a very special Element, because the words ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ equals 50 — which is clearly printed on many bills of the U.S. Currency. But the big clue here is observing the number 50 through the lens of the 1939 classic movie THE WIZARD OF OZ.
One of the main characters in this movie was the TIN MAN. The Tin Man’s objective in this Movie was looking for his Heart. So what does all of this tell us through the Interpretation?
The Divine, God, whatever you wish to label it as creates Earth — and one of it’s ‘desires’ is to come down to experience its own creation. Because it’s the Supernatural and in ‘Spirit’ form, it likely doesn’t have anything remotely close to how we’re designed — and so therefore doesn’t have a ‘heart’ in the dimensions at which it resides. And so it goes — the Divine comes down to play out its own Game called Life, looking for it’s heart that cannot be found in it’s present state of these higher dimensions.
So it is with all of us… we enter the world a Virgin, a baby, knowing nothing. As we grow older and gain knowledge of how things work, we seek out things our Heart falls for — whether that be a Love relationship, a Pet to Love or a book to write. Perhaps it’s creating a new religion or some new music that people will fall in love with. No matter what this Heart of ours wants to fall in Love with — it’s all about the I AM this and I AM that — the cooperation of the AS ABOVE (Divine) with the SO BELOW (Divine Man/Woman) creating together. Life’s beautiful.
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Just about 500 steps from my new residence in Puerto Morelos Mexico is a ‘Dive Shop’ called Dive Zone Puerto Morelos.. and it was this HUGE clue providing more support of our reality being completely scripted and fixed.
The ‘Diver Down’ flag or symbol is the one you’re seeing in this graphic — the Red with the white stripe running from one corner to the other.
This flag or symbol is one used by Scuba Divers indicating them being in certain spots in the water. The flag can be see ABOVE the water, where the diver is BELOW the water. This is a MASSIVE piece of how our reality works.
NOTICE that the words ‘Scuba Diver’ equals the number 33 in Numerology – a direct match to the degrees at which water becomes a ‘liquid state’. Just ONE degree below that threshold of 33° is where water becomes a solid… 32°.
This entire example is our Incarnation process — we go from a liquid state or a ‘light’ body having no shape to then diving down into physical matter and becoming man/woman by turning into ‘ice’ — our physical bodies / avatars.
32° Fahrenheit is 0° Celsius… and this is where the beauty of the Tarot card system comes into play.
THE FOOL is that ZERO card.. which is all of us — essentially playing out the Joker / Fool as we transcend down below the water line and into physical matter called LIFE.
When we use pure mathematics to support this notion, we take 32 and divide it into 33… which gives us 0.96 — otherwise known as the Yin Yang.. DUALITY.
This is a perfect synchronicity as to why PISCES is represented by the 2 fish — WATER and Diver Down.To solidify all of this, we turn to Alchemy. The 33rd element is Arsenic and the 32nd is Germanium. Using their average atomic weights / masses measured in a laboratory and dividing them, our result is the exact same as the division between 32 and 33… another Yin Yang 0.96.
Coincidence? You be the judge. But clearly you can see this part of our reality is completely scripted and fixed.. one example of countless others proving our entire existence is based upon a fixed system called the Game of Life.
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(As Above, So Below)
It’s very crystal clear now that whatever created this reality, call it the Architect or God, is playing out its own ‘game’ called Life using all of us through our Avatars.
The cosmos itself is just an extension of our higher selves in a different frequency — essentially the planets are the Architects very own Chakras just like we have our own Chakras.
As Above, So Below.
It’s the PI-Neal gland that is so very important in all of this because it contains the only 2 emotions we AND the Architect have — Love and Fear.
Love is Creation, the Φ or Golden Ratio / Spiral used in creating our physical reality — the Zero and One contained in the Binary system, and Fear is the Unknown made by way of π or our limited amount of ‘Time’ expressed through the 3.14 timelines of the Sine and Cosine waves.
The Pineal Glad is the paradigm changer and essentially we have one along with the Cosmos / Architect / God itself. Numbers tell us a great deal of how this all works because through Numerology, Pi is 9 and Neal is 14 — giving us a match to the PI and PHI that make up Love and Fear.
This 9 and 14 will just keep repeating our reality — the number 9 is known as the ‘repeater’ number — any number it associates with will in fact keep repeating it… which may indicate our incarnation / reincarnation process.
Yet it’s the 9 and 14 coming together that provides what Nikola Tesla stated as being the ‘Keys to the Universe’ — the 3-6-9.
When we include the bridge of Alchemy to provide us more insight into all of this, we look to the 95th element called Americium. Its abbreviation is the ‘AM’.. and this ‘AM’ connects to its other half — the ‘I’ or Iodine, element 53.
When we alchemize Iodine and Americium, the 2 elements making up the ‘I AM’, our results are very clear — it’s the 3-6-9 Key to the Universe.
This One Hit Wonder Decode is not just about the Golden Ratio Φ and the digits of π coming together… it’s not just about the Golden Spiral and the Perfect Circle that make up who we are and why we’re here. This is about knowing that we are ALL mighty expressions of whatever created this reality providing stimuli or feedback through our Love and Fear Emotions.
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