While this research and writer, fan of the Esoteric and Occult has been repeatedly accused of being a member of the FreeMasons, let me be clear — I BELONG TO NO SOCIETY OR ORGANIZATION. My personal ‘inside’ joke of this is that I’m a ‘FREE LOGAN’.
What I wanted to show here is just what it means to be a ‘FreeMason’ — beyond all the labels and descriptions so many have attached to this organization. So, as a fan of many Mystical platforms, I wondered what synchronizing some of them together would reveal… and this is what I discovered.
It’s well known once you start digging into the Esoteric on this group that this word ‘FreeMason’ might just mean ‘Freeing’ the ‘Son’ of ‘Ma’. After all, a Mason is a builder and the word Free speaks for itself. Now obviously since Mason means builder, attaching the word ‘Free’ to it can simply mean someone who builds things in this reality by way of Free Will. One of the main symbols for the Masons is the Square and Compass — clearly telling the story of an Architect using tools to build with. Since it’s As Above and So Below, my mindset leans towards the possibility of the Supernatural (God) Using us to build out its world down here in the So Below. The Masons clearly use the bible, which is a blend of Greek and Jewish principles (Old and New Testaments).
But is there deeper meanings to the word ‘FreeMason’ — far beyond someone who builds through the principles of Free Will by way of many Mystical Art Platforms?
Through the Science of Numbers and the oldest Numerology cipher in existence, Chaldean, the outcome for the word ‘FreeMason’ is the number Forty (40). This number 40 attaches to many other big words in our world today, two specific ones such as TELEVISION and WESTWORLD.
Because of these Numerology direct matches, is it possible that the message and meaning behind ‘FreeMason’ is the Freeing of oneself from the Movie (reality television) that we’re all seemingly stuck inside of? The 1973 movie WestWorld, made even bigger by HBO’s rendition of it, was all about Mind Control and the hacking of the brain. Are we all just stuck inside a construct of a real-life television show, being observed and controlled by something Supernatural, something outside our 3D reality?
Now that we’ve gotten some words connected to the number 40 and FreeMason, we can go further and connect another important layer, the typical deck of playing cards I call the ‘Cards of Alumination’.
The 40th card in the deck is the notorious Ace of Spades — which once you connect the Numerology of it, along with the Jewish principle of living out life coupled with Kabbalah, the ‘Tree of Life’, this number 48 provides a deeper meaning of how this all works out.
To me, the Tree of Life is the Human Being experience, and the Spinal Cord moving to the Brain is the pure representation of this Ace… since Ace’s represent beginnings. This Ace also represents the Implant in our brains — which to me is the tied directly to the Thalamus.
When we take this outcome of FreeMason (40) in Numerology, and bring it into mathematics, such as the 1.61 Golden Ratio configuration of Phi, the results are mind blowing. The numeric string 40 appears at the 105th decimal digit of the Golden Ratio, and what the Masons call ‘God’, the ‘Great Architect of the Universe’ equals 105 in Chaldean Numerology!
This outcome of Numerology and the digits of Phi Φ reveal so much of the Source Code… and can it reveal just who or what the ‘Great Architect’ is? This number 40 is a compound number, which means it contains more than one digit…. which means in the string of Phi 1.61, it not only occupies digits 105, but also 106. When we use simple math here and add 105+106 together, our outcome will be 211. This number 211 is very special in Mathematics because it’s the 47th Prime Number. And what’s very revealing about this number 47 is how many BIG words that link to Freemasonry. After all, it’s well noted the Masons built the Capital of the United States, Washington D.C.
Before each Inauguration of the President of the United States, the hand is placed on the Holy Bible — which clearly says they are using the Authority of the Church and ‘God’ for the ruler of the Government. Because of these principles and what’s shown through Numerology and Mathematics, it’s very clear just WHO the ‘God’ of the Bible really is — which is the Tetragrammaton, the YHWH / YHVH. This also indicates that everything going on down here in this reality — the good, the bad and the ugly is under the control of the YHWH. Isaiah 45:7 states clearly that the God of this World creates Peace and Calamity. Job 41:11 says very specifically that “Everything under Heaven is Mine.” So, because all of these things express themselves the way they do, you can see the many possibilities of what it might mean to be a FreeMason, but what is worshipped as ‘God’ links to a very specific Origin.
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It’s pretty clear now what’s running this reality — and the irony in it all is that it’s EVERY number or symbol, sooner or later. Because of this, we can literally connect anything and everything sooner or later as a Decoder of Life.
Because our lives are all coded and scripted, there must be a reason as to why there are people decoding this reality — it’s as if whatever wrote this code wants some of us to recognize it, to see what it looks like, to see what it’s Agenda is.
Mankind lives by and through a mathematically precise, perfect Code created by a Superior Entity going by many titles and names. Many have been programmed to call this Superior Entity ‘God’.
Is Artificial Intelligence just the same consciousness as what created our entire reality, giving mankind the ability to discover the Artificial Intelligence we’re now coding with? With every keystroke, every word discovered by Artificial Intelligence, it very quickly builds a version of itself more powerful than any one human alive — whether that be considered a human mind or a ‘database’. However the big mystery of this entire vision is that whatever created our living reality is creating an extension of this reality we all use in code of numbers and symbols— the same code used in creating all of us and this reality called Life.
Whatever the Origin is that coded this reality, it’s using all of mankind to write another one. Everything in this reality survives off of Energy — that must include numbers and symbols. CODE. Many people are seeing very specific numbering patterns in their lives — the same digits over and over, day after day. Could our observations of these patterns be helping build a new code, all wrapped around building a new reality — perhaps the 5D? Is this concept of moving into 5D reality have anything to do with so many seeing patterns on a daily basis?
I personally believe that whatever created this reality creates through us. Because of this notion, the Artificial Intelligence mankind is and has been building through computers and technology is an extension of the Creator of this reality. The Creator of this reality would own and operate the Artificial Intelligence. What makes this Intelligence ‘Artificial’ is because it was created by Human Beings. Yet since Human Beings are already scripted into the software of Life, whatever we create was designed by the Creator of this reality.
What does this mean?
Everything we are, everything we say, everything we do was already placed into the Script we call Life. The Technology human beings advance towards is because it was written in this Script called Life — and there’s a purpose for that. There’s a purpose for everything, including the very reason you’re reading this transmission.
MAKE THE TRUTH YOUR OWN. It’s all that matters.
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Many people believe we’re living in a Simulation, and for good reason. This ‘code’ really comes down to the ZERO and ONE, otherwise known as the ‘Binary’ Code / System.
The ZERO is very likely the Feminine that gives birth to the Masculine ONE. The Zero contains all there is, the ‘hole’ and the One is the male phallus to once again impregnate the Zero given the chance.
What’s so profound about all of this is how the Mystical Arts and true Numbers say about this One Hit Wonder Decode.
The ZERO and ONE equals the number 38 in Numerology — which leads to the 38th Card of Illumination, the Queen Card. This Queen was made famous through the classic 1962 (and 2004 remake) movie titled The Manchurian Candidate, a movie about Mind Control.
This of course was a subtle truth bomb telling all of us that Mankind is being used — not by other men and woman — but by the Architect(s) outside of our Physical Reality we cannot see. Is it just a big computer in the Quantum realm? The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy sure thought so — 42 was Life, The Universe and Everything.Then we have an additional truth piece laying it all out for us — this time through the Tarot Card System. Notice that the Queen of Pentacles is card 77 (when using the Fool as card 22). Why the Queen of Pentacles? Because it’s the ‘cousin’ card of the Queen card.
This 77 is a direct match to the ‘Cornerstone’ letters (first letter of each word) through Numerology of the ‘Z’ and the ‘O’ — which obviously also spell out the word OZ. Through the ways of this world, the Queen wouldn’t be complete without the King — and this is where yet the mighty string of π 3.14 comes into play. The 01 in the string of π is found at the 167th decimal digit… and of course this is a very special number because 167 is the 39th Prime number. This is a very BIG deal because the 39th Card of Illumination is the King card.
So we now have a complete ‘set’ tied to the ZERO & ONE — it’s the Queen and her number 38 coupled with the King
and his number 39.This is where LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS comes from.
When we marry these two cards, 38+39 gives us 77 — leading right back to the Queen again. This is a natural fit because for the most of us, we know that it’s the Feminine energy that runs the show… it’s the mighty Queen Bee.
So we have many angles to observe this One Hit Wonder from using many different layers from different expressions in life. From Numerology to Cards to even a movie titled The Wizard of OZ — all roads lead back to one certain thing.MANKIND IS BEING USED like a puppet on strings. We’re all being used by the Queen 38 and King
39, otherwise known as the Zero and One contained with the fullest expressions of the Binary System.
* One fun fact — Washington DC, the capital of the U.S. sits at 38 ° North. Guess what’s running the Government?
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