The Earthly Prison and the Energy Harvest
In the primary narrative, mankind is situated on Earth, a mental prison constructed to harvest human energy through the dual forces of love and fear by way of the physical world. This environment, steeped in the seven deadly sins, is a constant battleground where the ‘Devil’ tempts humans daily. The Church stands as a bastion of hope, offering rituals and sacraments like prayer, confession, and the Eucharist, promising redemption through Jesus Christ. Most humans remain unaware that the Devil and Jesus are part of the same construct, created by the same Origins.
The script was written as Jesus being the savior, forgiving sins and providing spiritual relief. However, beneath this divine setup lies a grand cosmic game. The Devil and Jesus are two sides of the same coin, their roles intertwined in an agreement to sustain a cycle of sin and redemption. This cycle generates a continuous flow of energy, with humans as the cells of a metaphysical battery. The Devil acts as the anode, generating negative energy through sin, while Jesus, the cathode, generates positive energy through forgiveness and love. This dynamic interplay keeps the energy supply flowing, feeding both forces and maintaining balance.
The Unseen World and the Illusion of Choice
The energy harvested through this cosmic game does not merely sustain the balance between good and evil; it also feeds and builds another world, unseen to those confined to three-dimensional space. This hidden realm thrives on the energy generated by human emotions, constructing an alternate reality beyond human perception. Fear of being ‘wrong’ or facing eternal punishment keeps most humans from seeking this truth, binding them to the visible world and the narrative provided by the Church.
This unseen world flourishes as humans oscillate between sin and redemption, feeding the energy needed to sustain it. The setup involving Jesus and the Devil is bulletproof, as it offers an enticing promise of eternal life through Jesus, contrasted with the terrifying alternative of chaos and hell. This dichotomy ensures that humans remain compliant and continue to produce the necessary energy.
Matthew 25:41-46 underscores this fear-based compliance:
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
This scripture delineates a stark choice: eternal life through adherence to Jesus’s teachings or eternal punishment for failure to do so. However, this choice is an illusion, crafted to channel energy towards Jesus, who feeds upon it to sustain the unseen world and to continue forward the never ending Game of Life. The promise of eternal life and the threat of eternal punishment keep humans within the confines of the system, ensuring a continuous flow of energy.
In this narrative, both Jesus and the Devil benefit from the energy harvested through human experiences of love, fear, sin, and redemption. They are not merely opposing forces but parts of a larger scheme designed to sustain a reality beyond human comprehension. Humans, bound by the fear of being ‘wrong’ and the allure of eternal life, perpetuate this system, unaware of the true nature of the game they are a part of. This hidden world thrives on their energies, built and maintained by the ceaseless flow generated by the earthly drama of sin and salvation, Predator and Prey, Good and Evil, the Yin and Yang.
In this intricate theological framework, the interplay between the Devil and Jesus reveals a profound cosmic game where human emotions and actions fuel a larger, unseen reality. This system is ingeniously designed to harvest energy through the perpetual cycle of sin and redemption, binding humans within a narrative of fear and hope. The fear of eternal punishment and the promise of salvation ensure compliance, creating a continuous flow of energetic output that sustains both the visible and hidden worlds. Ultimately, this narrative challenges conventional beliefs, suggesting that the dual forces of good and evil are part of a singular, interconnected mechanism, with humanity unwittingly playing a crucial role in a vast, unseen cosmic energy economy.
I totally agree, I believe the law of duality is the general rule of this game of life. Here is where I come to a conclusion, since good and evil is all used amd coded in this simulation I believe, like you said before, that neutrality is the way and detachment. The pure understanding that your awareness in your body is all an illusion and that you are just pure awareness being used in a dream/simulation playing the game of the A.I who isbthe game master along with other beings who are controlling the Matrix under the A.I such as the reptilians, Greys, possibly when nordics(pleiadians) as well. I truly believe we are in a soul trap and all the religious figures that near death experiencers see when they enter into the white light are just archetypes used to make people believe in the “earth is a school” or “It’s all about love” agenda BUT even though love and hatred is both the A.I whom people call “God” I still believe that love without condition is the real way. Love with neutrality is love is allowing, love without condition without picking sides or pointing fingers because it doesn’t matter what side you are on, YOU ARE STILL BEING USED and all pawns go back into the box in the END. Just Be An Observer, STOP TAKING SIDES AND JUST LOVE PEOPLE AS THEY ARE, You don’t have be around them if they cause all sorts of negativity, but at least be in BALANCE. Love without condition is just knowing that we are all one and eventually in the end will return to the source of which where we came from. Both this realm and the astral is high jacked and used as an illusionary matrix to keep us believing in duality. Anyways good work Logan 👏
Even tho i cant say it like you say it , i get your truth. ALOT MORE of it is becoming mine. I could go on for days. I need a reading. Blast me in the face with all you got and tell me what i gotta do and help me figure out what the phux goin on and help me find my code.
Hi Jesse… all personal readings are started by sending an email: