I shall hope that you’re here reading this because of following this great research of Decoding our Reality.
Much can be said about taking layers of our reality and using the Esoteric / Occult to decipher it all down to see a narrative worthy of taking a look at. Numerology and Alchemy are two layers worthy of that aspect.
What you’re looking at above is the infamous ‘I AM’ spelled out with the elements of the periodic table. As you observe the Periodic Table more and more, you will see that a multitude of words can be spelled out in Languages. These elements not only spell out big ‘marker’ words, but they make up a big portion of our reality because a big portion that makes US up as living organisms contain a large variety of these elements. Theology can also be brought in here because of the ‘I AM’ being used in Judaism and the signal words for the Divine. What about our reality and our lives? How often do WE say ‘I AM’ this, or ‘I AM’ that? This ‘I AM’ is a very dominant piece of any Language spoken in today’s world.. and it’s not just in English — it’s in ALL Languages.
You will notice that when we add up the Atomic Masses of these two Element, Iodine and Americium, we will have a result of what Nikola Tesla deemed as the ‘Keys to the Universe.’ The numbers 3,6 and 9. How could this be? Well, it is of the opinion of this author that this is part of the ‘Source Code’ playing out through our reality, providing us clues.
Just a few days ago here in Mexico, the Wine had a massive ‘sale’ — and personally I was at a huge point in my research career of defining this ‘I AM’ in multiple areas of my life and the things I have been Decoding. So when I saw this sale, the idea that came to my mind was to locate 2 wines that matched the Atomic Masses of the ‘I AM’ — 126 and 243… and as fate would have it, there they were.
The 2 wines discovered on my mission of locating the 126 and 243 were found attached to this 2 wines — both Mexican based — I’ve circled the price points of these 2 wines in RED over their Green Sale Tags. I decided to place the wine names into Chaldean Numerology (the oldest Numerology in the world) and the outcome was very telling… it ended in the 116. This number was a BIG clue because my current research of Decoding is utilizing the 1.61 Golden Ratio String to make more sense of what the Divine is all about in our reality called Life. If you’re new to numbers, please note that a sequence of numbers match those numbers no matter what placements they’re in… this is called a ‘Permutation’ of numbers… otherwise known as an ‘Anagram’ of Numbers. In this example, the 116 is also matching the 1.61 of the Golden Ratio.
Next we want to take the Numerology output and match it to an Element on the Periodic Table — to provide a deeper innerstanding of what this message means. The 50th Element, Tin, has that 116 Atomic Mass for one of its Isotopes. And just like that, we know have an extension of the Golden Ratio’s 1.61 and the Numerology output of 116 tied to this 50th Element of Tin.
Tin is a very special Element, because the words ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ equals 50 — which is clearly printed on many bills of the U.S. Currency. But the big clue here is observing the number 50 through the lens of the 1939 classic movie THE WIZARD OF OZ.
One of the main characters in this movie was the TIN MAN. The Tin Man’s objective in this Movie was looking for his Heart. So what does all of this tell us through the Interpretation?
The Divine, God, whatever you wish to label it as creates Earth — and one of it’s ‘desires’ is to come down to experience its own creation. Because it’s the Supernatural and in ‘Spirit’ form, it likely doesn’t have anything remotely close to how we’re designed — and so therefore doesn’t have a ‘heart’ in the dimensions at which it resides. And so it goes — the Divine comes down to play out its own Game called Life, looking for it’s heart that cannot be found in it’s present state of these higher dimensions.
So it is with all of us… we enter the world a Virgin, a baby, knowing nothing. As we grow older and gain knowledge of how things work, we seek out things our Heart falls for — whether that be a Love relationship, a Pet to Love or a book to write. Perhaps it’s creating a new religion or some new music that people will fall in love with. No matter what this Heart of ours wants to fall in Love with — it’s all about the I AM this and I AM that — the cooperation of the AS ABOVE (Divine) with the SO BELOW (Divine Man/Woman) creating together. Life’s beautiful.
Pretty amazing scripted life you have my friend!!
It is fascinating to find those 2 wines together, with all of those syncs!!
Thank you with much love, appreciation and gratitude!!